Try Before You Buy

In order to use our Try Before You Buy, please visit our product page and you will see "Try This Product Now" button. And click this button, you will see a Pop-up window for trial details, and then the product that you want to buy will be automatically stored in your cart. You can try our product and confirm its quality at home for 7 days after the parcel is delivered in your address. It can't create any charge to your card before the delivery. The charges will be paid 7 days after you receive the parcel. Of course, you can return the product to us if you don't like it. No charges will be paid for the returned product.

Try Now
  • Try up to 8 items

    More styles, more sizes, more colors. Fill your cart to find what you love.

  • Try Before You Buy

    Try at home for 7 days after delivery. Your card will be authorized but not charged.

  • Return is easy

    Keep what you love. Send the rest back. No charges will be paid for returned products.


What is a try before you buy?

Try Before You Buy lets you try on items for seven days before committing to a purchase. If you're going to use this program, it's important to keep tabs on your trial period dates to avoid getting charged for items you don't want.

Why will Maodeng charge me for try before you buy?

At the end of your Try Before You Buy 7-Day Trial Period, we'll charge you for the full value of your order if you haven't completed checkout by 11:59 pm local time. Return what you don't want.

Is Try Before You Buy free?

Yes, it's free. You get seven days to try on the items at home and you will only be charged for the items you decide to keep.

What are the benefits of try before you buy?

It can reduce your purchase risks and increase your trust. It offers you the ability to order and select our products ("Try Before You Buy") to try on at home for up to 7 days ("7 Day Try-on Period") before you are charged for products you keep.

Can I return the damaged item to Maodeng during 7-day trial period?

No, we can't accept the damaged item. Please refer to "Refund Policy" for details.